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Published Thursday, 18 July 2024

Dear Subscriber to ForestSangha News,

Our websites are presently being rebuilt. This necessitates some changes to the way we ... Read More

NZ_Vimutti: New Stupa Completed
Published Friday, 09 October 2015

NZ_Vimutti: New Stupa
This past summer (Southern Hemisphere), the monks and laypeople at Vimutti built a stupa on the open ... Read More

Global_This website
Published Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Global_This website:
As you would be aware, this latest incarnation of is now live. If you notice any anomalies, ... Read More

Media 20150904

US_Abhayagiri: Building Update
Published Thursday, 03 September 2015

US_Abhayagiri: Building Update:
A Day of Sharing in the City:  On August 23, six Abhayagiri residents and fifty lay ... Read More

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NZ_Bodhinyanarama: Khao Pansa
Published Sunday, 19 July 2015

NZ_Bodhinyanarama: Khao Pansa:
This public celebration marks the beginning of the rains retreat. The Vassa is a very important ... Read More